Comedy Gives Back co-founder Zoe Friedman has been around funny people most of her life. We couldn't wait to ask her about comedy. Who does she want to work with? What advice would she give her younger self? Read Zoe's answers to our 5 questions:
1- What made you decide to be in comedy? I guess you could say that I was born into it. My parents opened the first comedy club in America in 1963. When I was born, and finally old enough to be at The Improv, I would watch and laugh and fell in love with comedy at a very early age. After I did every job at New York including taking reservations, being the coat check girl, and I even tried my hand at waiting in tables (I wasn’t very good), I couldn’t get enough. I stayed in the business of comedy, even outside the walls of the Improvisation, for the entirety of my career.
2 - Who inspired you to do what you do? My parents, David Letterman, and the many amazing mentors I’ve had in my career.
3 - Who comes to mind when you think of groundbreaking women in comedy? Silver Saundors Friedman, Mitzi Shore, and Caroline Hirsch.
4 - Who is the one woman you would you want to work with? I would love to work Amy Poehler, Maya Rudolph, and Tina Fey. Is that too greedy?
5 - What would you tell your younger self? Trust your gut, don’t be afraid to say no, and being the cool girl doesn’t always pay off.
Amazing advice from Zoe!
Read past 5 questions with Jodi Lieberman and Amber j Lawson.