In honor of Women’s History Month, and in association with Ladies of Comedy Association (L.O.C.A) we have assembled an amazing panel of all female development executives for a special Comedy Gives Back Connect “Ask A Development Executive” on Thursday, March 25th.
Join our panel of experts from different companies and learn what they are looking for and how their development process works. This is a great opportunity to get inside information from those in the know!
Panelists include:
Jessica Acevedo (WV Enterprises), Christy Thornton (Rebelle Media), Kesila Childers (Powder Keg). This will be moderated by Debra Kessler (TheInterrobang.com).
Connects are Zoom meetings for comedians that cover a host of topics: finding an agent, mental health resources, how to apply for a Comedy Gives Back grant.
To participate in Connect sessions, one needs to be a member of the Comedy Gives Back private Facebook group for comedians. By signing up here for the group, comedians will answer 3 questions and agree to the rules. The Zoom links are then posted in the group on the day of the event.
The March 25th Connect will be informative, entertaining and collaborative. We hope to see you there!